Frequently asked questions

General questions

How do I connect to Track & Trace?

To connect to the Track & Trace API, email us at

I moved an order to the next day, but it's marked as canceled. Why is that?

When moving an order to a different day, set its status to new.

When I upload routes to Track & Trace, there's a warning saying that routes for this date already exist. What do I do?

This warning means that there have already been routes added for this date. You need to choose what to do with the old and new routes. To learn more, see Uploading data.

When I upload routes to Track & Trace, there's a warning about duplicate orders. What do I do?

This warning means that the routes have duplicates, which are orders with duplicate numbers. To learn what you can do about duplicates, see Uploading data.

How do I modify additional options?

By default, some features of the mobile app for couriers are disabled. You can enable or disable them only through support. The changes will take effect after the courier restarts the app.


How do I pass the OAuth token in the request?

Pass the OAuth token in the Authorization header.

I use a correct OAuth token, but I get a 401 Unauthorized response. Why is that?

There can be several reasons:

  • The OAuth token has expired. If you haven't used the token for more than one month, it may have been revoked.
  • The password for the Yandex ID account was changed.
  • Two-factor authentication was enabled or disabled.
  • You pressed Log out on all devices in the Yandex ID account.
  • You entered the token without adding OAuth in the Authorization parameter.
    • Correct: Authorization: OAuth <your-OAuth-token>.
    • Incorrect: Authorization: <your-OAuth-token>.

For more information about why a token may be revoked, see Revoked token.

To continue working, get a new token. The steps you need to take are covered on the Getting an OAuth token page.

I lost my OAuth token. How do I restore it?

To restore your OAuth token, follow step 9 of the instructions at Getting an OAuth token. If you restore the token this way, the key won't change.

Why do I get a message saying 403 (Company apikey is unknown or banned) or 403 (Company apikey is invalid)?

For the API to work, you need to specify a valid API key under SettingsCompanyAPI Key in the Routing workspace. You can check if your old key is valid or get a new one in the Developer Dashboard for RouteQ: Planning and Track & Trace.

Why am I getting an error message saying 403 Your role doesn't allow to make this request?

This error means that your account doesn't have enough permissions to perform the request. The account is identified by the OAuth token that's used in the request.

To resolve the issue, assign the Administrator role to the account under SettingsManagers in the Routing workspace.

Track orders

Why do vehicles on courier tracks jump long distances at once in the Routing workspace?
When you view a courier's movement history, their vehicle sometimes moves abruptly along the route as if part of the track wasn't recorded.
Possible cause
While en route, the courier minimizes the Yandex Courier app, and the device drops it from the smartphone RAM.
Add the Yandex Courier app to the list of exceptions in the smartphone battery optimization settings.
Sample settings (for Huawei phones)
  • Go to SettingsBatteryApp launch.
  • Find the Yandex Courier app and deselect it.
  • In the Manage manually window that opens, leave all the options on.

The settings menu may vary across different phone models. If you can't find these settings, contact support and we'll do our best to help.

Why do vehicles on courier tracks jump long distances off the main route in the Routing workspace?
When you view a courier's movement history, their vehicle sometimes deviates abruptly from the route.
Possible cause
The app couldn't get the exact coordinates.
The courier's phone must use only a GPS source or the Device Only source instead of multiple location sources at once (Wi-Fi, cellular, and GPS).

Order notifications

What types of order notifications are there?

There are two types of notifications about order delivery:

  • The shift_start notification appears when a courier starts moving along the route.
  • The nearby notification appears some time (by default, 30 minutes) before the estimated time of arrival at the delivery point. The estimated time of arrival (ETA) is calculated automatically when the courier moves along the route.

Learn more about getting information about notifications

When does the shift_start notification appear in the system?

The shift_start notification usually appears at the time specified in the route.route_start, providing the system is receiving the courier's coordinates.

If there are no courier coordinates in Track & Trace (for example, the service started receiving them only after the time specified in the route_start field), the notification appears when this data arrives.

If the route.route_start parameter isn't set, the notification appears at the beginning of the earliest time window from all orders. In addition, if the mark_route_started_radius is set for the depot, the notification for routes that are linked to the depot doesn't appear while the courier is within the depot radius.

Why didn't a notification appear in the system?

Possible reasons:

  1. The notification service isn't enabled. To enable it, contact your manager.
  2. The courier didn't log in to the app or choose a route.
  3. The courier started the route after the end of the delivery time window. For example, if the courier starts the route at 10:30 and the delivery window is from 8:00 to 10:00, no order notification appears in the system.
  4. Location data from the GPS tracker wasn't sent to the service. In this case, you'll see that there's no data about the courier's location in the Routing workspace.
Contact support