Order items


Order items can only be uploaded for orders with the delivery type.

You can upload to Track & Trace the items of each order, including:

  • Number of items.
  • Product name, quantity, and price of each item.

This way, you can:

  • Reduce the number of errors and losses when processing returns.
  • Streamline the return management process for couriers.
  • Stop using printouts.
  • Reduce the number of manual operations.

You can upload order items:

Uploading order items via the interface

Data upload template

To upload order items, use an Excel file filled out using this template.

You can also download the template via Routing workspace. To do this:

  1. Open Routing workspace.

  2. Go to Track & Trace → Dashboard.

  3. In the top right corner of the screen, click ImportOrder items.

  4. Click Download template.

  5. Fill out the Excel file according to the template.


    In the file, the order number in the Order number field (location_id in the API) on the Items sheet should match the order number in Track & Trace (you can view it in the order card).

    The date may be automatically added to the order number when exporting planning results to Track & Trace. This happens when the new order number matches the one that already exists in Track & Trace.

    For example, if Track & Trace already has an order with number Order 1, the card of the new order will have the number Order 1 YYYY-MM-DD.

    Make sure that the order number in the file matches that in the order card. To do this, open the order card and see if the order number matches the one in the file. If necessary, add the planning date in the YYYY-MM-DD format to the Order number field.

Uploading data from a file


For order contents to be uploaded correctly, you must already have a route loaded in Track & Trace. For more information, see Uploading data.

  1. Open Routing workspace.

  2. Go to Track & Trace → Dashboard.

  3. In the top right corner of the screen, click ImportOrder items.

  4. Click Upload template and select the file you filled out using the template.

    In case of upload errors, fix them in the interface or download the error file, fix the errors, and upload the fixed file.

  5. Click Import.

You can upload up to 10,000 products at once across all orders.

Fields to complete:

Field name




Order number



Order number in Track & Trace.

Unique number



Product or service identifier. All product numbers within a given order must be unique.

Item code



Product or service item code. Within a single order, item numbers may be duplicated. For example, if the same product is sold at different prices: regular and promotional.




The name of the product or service, up to 100 characters long.




Number of product or service units. The default is 1.




Price per product or service unit. By default, 0.

Viewing order items

  1. Go to Track & Trace → Dashboard.

  2. Select the route and order.

  3. In the order card, click the link with the number of items in the Order items field.

    Link to order items in the order card

You'll see the item code, name, quantity, price, and total on the list.

Viewing a delivered order

You can view detailed information about the delivered items for the order. To do this:

  1. Go to Track & Trace → Dashboard.
  2. Select the route and order.
  3. Click the link with the number of items in the Order items field.

If the courier added a photo to any of the items, the Photo column will contain links to the photos.

Order items can also be viewed by the companies added as observers.

Order with a partial return

If a client returns some of the orders, the courier marks this with a comment in the Yandex Courier app and can also add photos for each item. For more information, see Partial delivery if order items are specified.

To view information about delivered items and returns:

  1. Go to Track & Trace → Dashboard.
  2. Select the route and order. The Order items field will display a message that some items were returned.
  3. Click the link with the number of items.

By default, the order contents table displays all items.

Click Items to return to hide delivered items from the table. You'll see:

  • Number of items to return.
  • Number of products to return.
  • Cost per item and total cost of returns.

If the courier added a photo to any of the items, the Photo column will contain links to the photos.

Uploading order items via the API

You can upload and update order items information via the API:

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