
The Couriers section contains a list of all the couriers in your company. You can also view the routes planned for couriers.

Courier list

You can enable or disable SMS notifications to clients about the status of their delivery for each individual courier. To do this, set the toggle next to the courier's name to the appropriate position.

Working with the courier list

Register a courier

Enter the new courier's phone number in +1хххххххххх format and their username, and click Add.

If you use the courier's mobile phone number in +1хххххххххх format as their login, they won't have to enter a username to log in to the Yandex Courier app.

For more information on adding a courier's phone number to the app, see Couriers.

Open the courier card

Click the courier's username or phone number in the list.

Delete a courier


Once you delete a courier, they cannot be restored.

Click next to the courier. If the deleted courier was assigned routes and orders, Track & Trace displays "Courier deleted" instead of their username. Information about the deleted courier isn't displayed on the map. Buttons for contacting the courier aren't displayed on their routes and orders.

Courier card

The card displays:

  • The courier's ID and contact information.
  • Information about the courier's work on different days.
  • The courier's route on the map.
  • Information about the courier's location at a specific time.
  • The list of orders delivered by the courier.

You can change or add a courier, change the route, and contact a courier via chat.

Courier's work on a specific date

By default, the system displays information for the current date. To view the courier's work for a different date, click Yesterday, Tomorrow, or enter a specific date.

Changing or deleting a route

You can transfer an entire route to a different courier. To do this, click Transfer route to courier. If a specific courier is not listed, add them.

To send a route to a courier with a specific GPS tracker, click Send route to GPS tracker.


A deleted courier's route can't be transferred to another courier. It can only be deleted.

Transfer orders to a different route

You can transfer orders from one route to another if the courier can't complete all of their orders (for example, if their car broke down or there was a long wait at a pickup location).


You can only transfer orders to routes of couriers working on the same day that the original route was set for. Stops at intermediate depots cannot be transferred to another route. Orders associated with intermediate depots can be transferred.

To transfer the remaining orders to another courier's route:

  1. Go to the page of the route with incomplete orders.

  2. On the right side of the screen, click Transfer part of the orders.

  3. Select the orders you need to transfer.

  4. Click Transfer orders.

  5. Choose a route to transfer the orders to:

    • To transfer orders to a new route, click Add new route.

    • To transfer orders to an existing route, use the fields in the search form:

      • Route: Route name.
      • Phone: Courier's phone number.
      • Name: Courier's name.
      • Depot: Depot that the route starts from.
      • Username: Courier's username.

  6. Click Transfer.

This will change both routes:

Target route
  • The transferred orders will appear.
  • An extra point will be added to show the current location of the original courier.
  • The route characteristics will be updated.
Source route
  • The transferred orders will be removed.
  • Information about completed orders will remain.

Route updates

If some orders are canceled or the courier violates the delivery sequence and completes orders from the middle part of the route, you can rearrange the route in accordance with the current status of the orders. In this case, the completed orders will be moved to the beginning of the route, and a new, accurate ETA will be calculated for the remaining orders.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. On the courier page, click Change the list.


  2. Enable Move completed stops to start.


  3. If needed, you can also manually change the sequence of orders by dragging the line to another position in the route.

  4. Click Save the order list.

Courier route information

While a courier is en route, you can see the time they reached certain checkpoints: when the route was set, when the courier last sent their coordinates, and when the courier returned to the depot.

Username in the app
Username a courier uses to log in to the app.
Courier's phone number
Phone number a courier uses to log in to the app.
Set start time
The route tracking start time. It varies depending on the planning method:
  • API: The start time matches the route start time if it's set. If it's not set, it's 5 hours before the start of the earliest order window.
  • Interface: The start time matches the time when the vehicle leaves the depot.
  • Importing a route from Excel: The start time matches the shift start time.
SMS messages to clients

Sends clients an SMS saying that the courier is en route 30 minutes prior to the estimated time of arrival. You can specify the interval in the company settings.

Tracking end time

The route tracking end time.

If the time isn't specified, route tracking ends 5 hours after the last order's time window. If tracking extension is enabled for the route, the specified number of extension hours is additionally displayed in brackets. Example: 14:00 (+14hr).

The route track isn't recorded once the tracking time ends.

Last coordinate: Recorded based on a courier's clock

Time on a courier's clock when the last coordinate was recorded by their device. Adheres to the depot time zone.

Courier's location at a specific time

If a route has been started or completed, the blue slider under the map becomes active. By moving the slider, you can view the courier's location at different points in time. The exact time is displayed to the right of the slider.

There is a limit on how long courier tracks are stored, see Data storage period for details.

List of stops on the route

You can add an order to the route and change the stop sequence by modifying orders and depot visits. For stops at depots to be displayed in the list, enable the Show depots in Track & Trace option.

To view the list of orders that are to be picked up from or delivered to a depot, click the arrow. The number of orders is indicated on the icon next to the depot name.

When you delete a stop at an intermediate depot, you're given the option to also delete orders assigned to that stop. You can delete part of the orders (by deselecting them) and leave others if you know that the remaining orders should be in this route.

When changing the sequence of orders, the depots they're assigned to must be taken into account: deliveries must come after a stop at the depot where the order is picked up, and before a stop at the depot where they're unloaded.

If the order sequence doesn't seem optimal, click Optimize route to rebuild the route. Note that you can't optimize routes with intermediate depots.


If a courier is deleted, you can't add an order to their route or change the order sequence.

From the list, you can go to the order card.

Hover over the order location on the map. Brief order information will be displayed and the order will be highlighted in the list. Likewise, hovering over an order in the list will highlight the order location on the map.

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