
The Plan/Fact section is designed for working with reports that show the planning accuracy and provide an overview of the actual planning indicators.

In this section, you can prepare and download reports and create charts.


Routes appear in the Plan/Fact reports only on the day after their completion.

Large report in Excel

For more information on working with reports, see Plan/Fact reports.

The report file consists of several sheets.


A comparison of planned and actual indicators for each day of the selected period.

For example, Planned total distance, km and Actual total mileage, km.

Description of fields
Field name Explanation
Date The date that the routes are planned for
Company ID The unique ID of the company that the data is collected for
Number of couriers The number of couriers that routes were planned for
Number of routes The number of planned runs
Number of active routes (where order status changed) The number of runs where at least one order has a status other than Approved (Delivered, Partially delivered, or Canceled). For more information, see Order statuses
Number of active routes, % The share of runs where at least one order has a status other than Approved in the total number of runs
Number of routes with GPS signal (online). Number of routes with GPS signal (online), % The number of runs that sent coordinates. Their share in the total number of planned runs
Number of routes with no GPS signal (offline). Number of routes with no GPS signal (offline), % The number of runs that didn't send coordinates. Their share in the total number of planned runs
Orders processed. Orders processed, % The number of orders where the status has changed. Their share in the total number of planned orders
Orders delivered. Orders delivered, % The number of completed orders. Their share in the total number of planned orders
Planned total mileage, km The total mileage on the routes planned for the day for all couriers
Actual total mileage, km The actual mileage on the routes for the day for all couriers. For more information, see Route tracking
Planned total transit time, min The total transit time on the routes planned for the day for all couriers
Actual total transit time, min The actual transit time for the day for all couriers. For more information, see Route tracking
Planned total handling time, min The total planned handling time at depots and at order locations
Actual total handling time for orders, min The total time that couriers spent handling orders (handing over the order, exchanging documents, and parking) at order locations
Actual total handling time at depots, min The total time that couriers spent at depots loading, reloading, and unloading orders and exchanging documents
Planned total time, min The total time to complete all routes scheduled for the day. Includes the planned transit time and planned handling time
Actual total time, min The total actual time taken to complete all routes for the day. Includes the transit time and handling time
Planned number of time window violations The total number of time window violations in all routes planned for the day
Actual number of time window violations The total number of time window violations during the day
Planned number of locations The planned number of route locations. Includes orders and depots
Actual number of locations The actual number of locations visited on the routes. Includes orders and depots. For more information, see Detect route location visits
Planned number of orders The number of orders planned for the day for all couriers
Actual number of orders The number of orders actually completed by all couriers during the day
Number of orders with status comments The number of orders where couriers left comments to the statuses
Number of downtimes during orders The number of long unplanned downtimes at order locations. For more information, see Courier downtime
Total downtime during orders, min The total duration of long unplanned downtime at order locations
Number of downtimes at depots The number of long unplanned downtimes at depots
Total downtime at depots, min The total duration of long unplanned downtime at depots
Number of downtimes during route The number of long unplanned stops between route locations
Total downtime during route, min The total duration of long unplanned stops between route points
Number of events where network connection was lost The number of times when couriers lost their internet connection
Total time without network connection, min The total time when couriers didn't have an internet connection
Number of routes with a logistics coordinator sequence violation The number of runs where couriers violated the planned order of visiting route locations
Number of routes with a planned order sequence violation The number of runs with recorded deviations from the planned indicators. The counter increases when the route has a courier_violated_route flag

A comparison of indicators across each depot specified in the routes for the selected period. The indicators for comparison are the same as on the Days sheet, but are linked to a specific depot.

Description of fields
Field name Explanation
Date The date that the routes are planned for
Company ID The unique ID of the company that the data is collected for
Depot ID The unique ID of the depot
Depot number An additional depot ID (depot.ref field)
Depot name The name of the depot (depot.title field)
Depot address The address of the depot (depot.address field)
Number of couriers The number of couriers that routes were planned for
Number of routes The number of planned runs
Number of active routes (where order status changed) The number of runs where at least one order has a status other than Approved (Delivered, Partially delivered, or Canceled). For more information, see Order statuses
Number of active routes, % The share of runs where at least one order has a status other than Approved in the total number of runs
Number of routes with GPS signal (online). Number of routes with GPS signal (online), % The number of runs that sent coordinates. Their share in the total number of planned runs
Number of routes with no GPS signal (offline). Number of routes with no GPS signal (offline), % The number of runs that didn't send coordinates. Their share in the total number of planned runs
Orders processed. Orders processed, % The number of orders where the status has changed. Their share in the total number of planned orders
Orders delivered. Orders delivered, % The number of completed orders. Their share in the total number of planned orders
Planned total mileage, km The total mileage on the routes planned for the day for all couriers
Actual total mileage, km The actual mileage on the routes for the day for all couriers. For more information, see Route tracking
Planned total transit time, min The total transit time on the routes planned for the day for all couriers
Actual total transit time, min The actual transit time for the day for all couriers. For more information, see Route tracking
Planned total handling time, min The total planned handling time at depots and at order locations
Actual total handling time for orders, min The total time that couriers spent handling orders (handing over the order, exchanging documents, and parking) at order locations
Actual total handling time at depots, min The total time that couriers spent at depots loading, reloading, and unloading orders and exchanging documents
Planned total time, min The total time to complete all routes scheduled for the day. Includes the planned transit time and planned handling time
Actual total time, min The total actual time taken to complete all routes for the day. Includes the transit time and handling time
Planned number of time window violations The total number of time window violations in all routes planned for the day
Actual number of time window violations The total number of time window violations during the day
Planned number of locations The planned number of route locations. Includes orders and depots
Actual number of locations The actual number of locations visited on the routes. Includes orders and depots. For more information, see Detect route location visits
Planned number of orders The number of orders planned for the day for all couriers
Actual number of orders The number of orders actually completed by all couriers during the day
Number of orders with status comments The number of orders where couriers left comments to the statuses
Number of downtimes during orders The number of long unplanned downtimes at order locations. For more information, see Courier downtime
Total downtime during orders, min The total duration of long unplanned downtime at order locations
Number of downtimes at depots The number of long unplanned downtimes at depots
Total downtime at depots, min The total duration of long unplanned downtime at depots
Number of downtimes during route The number of long unplanned stops between route locations
Total downtime during route, min The total duration of long unplanned stops between route points
Number of events where network connection was lost The number of times when couriers lost their internet connection
Total time without network connection, min The total time when couriers didn't have an internet connection
Number of routes with a logistics coordinator sequence violation The number of runs where couriers violated the planned order of visiting route locations
Number of routes with a planned order sequence violation The number of runs with recorded deviations from the planned indicators. The counter increases when the route has a courier_violated_route flag

A comparison of indicators across runs.

For example, Planned finish time and Actual finish time.

Description of fields
Field name Explanation
Company ID The unique ID of the company that the data is collected for
Route ID The unique run ID
Route number The run number displayed on the dashboard
Route date The date that the run is planned for
Route IMEI The IMEI number of the GPS tracker. For more information, see Setting up data transfer from devices
Route in the Routing workspace The link to the route on the map in the Routing workspace
Courier ID The unique courier ID
Courier's number The courier's number ( field)
Courier's name The courier's name, vehicle name, or vehicle number (vehicle.ref field)
Courier's phone number The courier's phone number ( field)
Depot ID The unique ID of the depot
Depot number An additional depot ID (depot.ref field)
Depot name The name of the depot (depot.title field)
Depot address The address of the depot (depot.address field)
Depot timezone The name of the depot's timezone
Geolocations on the route TRUE if at least one courier geolocation was recorded during the run. FALSE if no geolocation was recorded
Violated order sequence TRUE if the courier violated the planned order sequence during the run. FALSE if there were no violations
Planned order sequence has been changed TRUE if deviations from the planned indicators were recorded during the run (used if the route has a courier_violated_route flag). FALSE if there were no deviations
Planned total mileage, km. Actual total mileage, km The planned and actual mileage of the run
Planned total transit time, min. Actual total transit time, min The courier's planned and actual transit time during the run
Planned total handling time, min The planned handling time at depots and order locations
Actual total handling time for orders, min The time that the courier spent handling orders (handing over the order, exchanging documents, and parking) at order locations
Actual total handling time at depots, min The time that the courier spent at depots loading, reloading, and unloading orders and exchanging documents
Planned total time, min. Actual total time, min The planned and actual time to complete the run
Planned number of time window violations. Actual number of time window violations The planned and actual number of time window violations during the run
Planned number of locations; Actual number of locations The planned and actual number of locations in the run
Planned number of orders; Actual number of orders The planned and actual number of completed orders in the run
Planned start time; Planned finish time The planned start and finish time of the run
Actual start time; Actual finish time The actual start and finish time of the run
Orders processed. Orders processed, % The number of orders where the status has changed. Their share in the total number of planned orders
Orders delivered. Orders delivered, % The number of completed orders. Their share in the total number of planned orders
Number of downtimes during orders The number of long unplanned downtimes at order locations. For more information, see Courier downtime
Total downtime during orders, min The total duration of long unplanned downtime at order locations
Number of downtimes at depots The number of long unplanned downtimes at depots
Total downtime at depots, min The total duration of long unplanned downtime at depots
Number of downtimes during route The number of long unplanned stops between route locations
Total downtime during route, min The total duration of long unplanned stops between route points
Number of events where network connection was lost The number of times when couriers lost their internet connection
Total time without network connection, min The total time when couriers didn't have an internet connection
Number of orders with status comments The number of orders where couriers left comments to the statuses

A comparison of indicators across each individual order.

For example, Planned distance, km and Actual distance, km.

Description of fields
Field name Explanation
Company ID The unique ID of the company that the data is collected for
Route ID The unique run ID
Route number The run number displayed on the dashboard
Route date The date that the run is planned for
Courier ID The unique courier ID
Courier's number The courier's number ( field)
Courier's name The courier's name, vehicle name, or vehicle number (vehicle.ref field)
Depot ID The unique ID of the depot
Depot number An additional depot ID (depot.ref field)
Depot name The name of the depot (depot.title field)
Planned location type. Actual location type Possible values: Order or Depot (the actual location type isn't specified for depots)
Planned order sequential number The location's sequential number in the Plan/Fact report. Numbering starts with 0. All location types are taken into account
Actual order sequential number The number of the order in the sequence that it was visited by the courier. Only locations with the Order type are taken into account
Actual order sequential number edited by logistics coordinator The sequential number of the order in the Routing workspace. Only locations with the Order type are taken into account
Planned number Consists of the field and the planned date of the order visit. For a depot, it's the field
Actual number Consists of the location.ref field and the actual date of the order visit. Not specified for depots
Actual status Order status. For more information, see Order statuses
Planned address. Actual address The address of the location
Planned latitude; Planned longitude; Actual latitude; Actual longitude Location coordinates
Courier-specified latitude; Courier-specified longitude The location coordinates if the courier specified them manually in the mobile app
Detection radius, m Delivery detection radius. For more information, see Detect route location visits
Сlient’s planned name The client's name as it appears when uploading routes to Track & Trace
Client's actual name The client's name as entered by the courier
Planned time of arrival; Planned time of departure The planned time of arrival at and departure from the location
Actual time of arrival; Actual time of departure The actual time of arrival at and departure from the location
Planned handling time, min The planned time for handing the order over to the client. The planned time for loading, reloading, or unloading the order at the depot
Planned combined handling time, min The planned time for parking or delivering documents to the client. The planned time for delivering documents at the depot
Actual handling time, min The time spent handing the order over to the client
Actual downtime at location, min The waiting time at the location
Planned transit time to location, min The planned transit time from the previous location to the current one
Actual transit time to location, min The transit time from the previous location to the current one
Actual downtime on the way to location, min The duration of downtime on the way from the previous location to the current one
Planned distance, km The planned distance from the previous location to the current one
Actual distance, km The distance traveled from the previous location to the current one
Planned order volume, m³; Planned order weight, kg; Planned order size The physical order parameters specified during planning
Actual order volume, m³; Actual order weight, kg; Actual order size The physical order parameters according to the courier
Planned time window start date; Planned time window start time; Planned time window end date; Planned time window end time The date and time of the planned delivery time window
Violation of planned delivery time window TRUE if the time window was violated when planning the route. FALSE if the violation wasn't planned. Violations are allowed only for soft time windows and only if they improve the final route metrics
Actual time window start date; Actual time window start time; Actual time window end date; Actual time window end time The date and time of the actual time window in which the location was visited (if multiple possible time windows were specified during planning, a time window other than the planned one may be used)
Actual delivery time window violation TRUE if the courier violated the time window while delivering the order. FALSE if there was no violation. The actual violation of the time window is determined independently of the plan. Even if a window violation was planned for the route, it's possible that the courier still delivers the order on time. In this case, no violation is recorded
Actual comment The courier's comments about the order
Actual status comments The courier's comments about the order status


In this section, you can create graphs by the number of routes or orders completed for one or more depots. You can also compare graphs for different periods with each other and download a report on the selected depot.

For more information on working with graphs, see Plan/Fact graphs.

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