Courier performance report

A report on the quality of couriers' work contains data on order completion for a certain period of time. Use it to:

  • Find out which couriers most often arrive late or violate the delivery schedule.
  • See how the actual order completion time corresponds to the delivery interval.
  • Evaluate other parameters that are important for your tasks.

You can also get information about the delivery quality using the API. Please note that the time zones of depots, logistics coordinators, couriers, and clients may be different. To account for this difference, use the timezone field that's returned by the API request for every object when analyzing the time parameters. The time zone is specified in the tz database format, for example, Europe/Berlin (for more information, see List of time zones). By default, the object's time zone is calculated based on its coordinates.

Creating a report

To generate a report, specify the date range and click Show. The range should not exceed 31 days.

You can filter data after generating the report by entering the necessary parameters in the Search box.


If you're using the API, you can generate a report for any time interval.

Configuring the report layout

To configure the display and order of columns, click . This opens a section with a list of columns where you can:

  • Show or hide individual columns.
  • Drag and drop columns to reorder them.
  • Click Reset to cancel your changes.

Adjust the column width to make sure all important elements fit on the page:

  1. Hover over the column name. You'll see the  icon next to it.
  2. Click and hold the left mouse button to hover over the icon.
  3. Move left and right to change the width.

If you need an Excel report, click Download XLSX.


By default, data on deleted couriers is included in the report, but the phase "Courier deleted" is shown next to their username. You can exclude deleted couriers from the report in the display settings.

Report field description

For more information about report fields, see the table below. The report also displays custom fields if their value is set.

Name Explanation
Type Order type.
Order The order number.
Address Order address (if explicitly specified).
Order according to plan The order number according to the plan. If the courier breaks the order sequence, this field value will be different from the one in the Order field.
Plan violation "Yes" if the plan was violated, "No" if it wasn't.
Client Client name.
Customer's phone number Client's phone number.
Order status Order status set by the courier.
Courier Courier ID.
Route Route number assigned by the Planning service.
Transportation method Courier's transportation method.
Arrival at the location radius Time and date of the arrival at the order address or depot.
Visit to point counted Time and date of order completion.
Leaving location radius Time and date of the departure from the order address or depot.
Detection radius, m Set in the company settings if the delivery status is determined automatically.
Order delivered (or canceled) Time and date when the order was marked Delivered or Canceled.
Order handling time, min The time set for handling an order, in minutes. For more information, see Order card.
Handling time at location, min The time set for servicing a location, in minutes. For more information, see Order card.
Time window The order time window that was uploaded to Planning.
Time window (time only) The order time window, with no date specified.
Deviation from the time window, min Time window violation in minutes.
Login The courier's username. For more information, see the Vehicles sheet description in the Instructions for completing an Excel file.
Distance between status entry point and order The distance between the courier's location and the delivery address at the time when the delivery was marked completed. This parameter lets you identify couriers who mark the order as delivered in advance, before reaching the client.
Order approval time Time when the order status was changed to Approved. A courier or manager can do this.
Call with approval less than 30 minutes before delivery Shows couriers who inform clients about their arrival in advance.
Depot number The depot that the order was shipped from.
Actual distance, m The actual mileage is calculated:
- For the first order — from the depot or starting point to the first order.
- For the following orders — from the previous order to this one.
Actual handling time, min The actual order handling time.
Transit idle duration, min Downtime between two route points. Marked N/A if there is no data.For more information, see Courier downtime.
Location idle duration, min Downtime at one of the route locations. Marked N/A if there is no data.For more information, see Courier downtime.
Route date The date when the route was started.
Latitude, Longitude Coordinates are only shown for orders with the Delivered or Partially delivered status. The coordinates of the point where the order was marked as completed.
Updated latitude, Updated longitude Data that the courier changed in the app manually, because the latitude coordinate of the point didn't match the place where the delivery was made. You can use the corrected coordinates for future planning. Learn more.
Comment Comment with which the order was uploaded to Planning.
Window violation type Delayed deliveries are marked Later, early ones are marked Earlier, and orders without a violation are marked On time.
Order weight, kg Order weight (if specified).
Order volume, m³ Order volume (if the length, width, and height were specified).
Comment on "Not approved" The courier's comment when setting the Not approved status.
Comment on "Approved" The courier's comment when setting the Approved status.
Comment on "Delivered" The courier's comment when setting the Delivered status.
Comment on "Partially delivered" The courier's comments when setting the Partially delivered status.
Comment on "Canceled" The courier's comment when setting the Canceled status.
Comment on "Couldn't reach by phone" The courier's comments when setting the Couldn't reach by phone status.
GPS tracker number The number of the GPS tracker that's installed on the courier's vehicle.
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