Granting access

To enable other users to track the statuses of routes and orders, add them to the interface and configure their permissions.

Adding a company manager

Access is provided with an account with Yandex ID.


To log in using a corporate or any other email address, create an account with Yandex ID at

Username and email can contain Latin letters, digits, period, and hyphen.

In the Routing workspace

  1. Open the Routing workspace.

  2. In the menu on the left, go to SettingsManagers.

  3. Add users:

    1. At the bottom of the page, specify the new user's email address.

    2. To add multiple users at once, specify their email addresses separated by a comma.

    3. Click Add.

In the API


When adding a user with the API, assign them the manager, dispatcher, or admin role.

Send a request to the users resource. In the request, specify the user's username and role:



curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: OAuth <your-OAuth-token>" -X POST -d @<File_path_in_UTF-8_encoding><your-company-id>/users


{"login":"alice.the.girl", "role":"manager"}


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: OAuth <your-OAuth-token>" -X POST -d '{"login":"alice.the.girl", "role":"manager"}'<your-company-id>/users


  "id": 197162,
  "login": "alice.the.girl",
  "role": "manager"

Configuring permissions

After adding an employee:

In the Routing workspace

  1. Open the user card.

  2. Select the Manager, Dispatcher, or Administrator role.

  3. When you assign the Manager or Dispatcher role to a user, specify which depots and companies they should have access to. To do this, select the required options in the Depots section. The employee will get access to routes that start from the chosen depots.

In the API
A role is assigned to a user when you add them, and access to depots and companies for a Manager and Dispatcher is set in the interface.

Once the user is registered and added to the system, they will have access to the Routing workspace interface at:

Deleting a user

In the Routing workspace

  1. Open the Routing workspace.

  2. In the menu on the left, go to SettingsManagers.
  3. Open the user card.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Delete user.
In the API

Send a request to the users resource. In the URI, specify the user ID:



curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: OAuth <your-OAuth-token>" -X DELETE<your-company-id>/users/<your-company-id>


  "id": 197215,
  "login": "alice.the.girl",
  "role": "manager"
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