Planning result

On the page with the resulting solution:

  1. Click Export in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select Solution in Excel.<company_id>/depots/all/mvrp/<task_id>/export/excel, where:

  • <company_id> is the company ID. You can find it in SettingsCompanyCompany ID.

  • <task_id> is the task id.

You can use the exported file for analysis or upload it to another system. Please note that the structure and the order of columns in the file may change.

The Excel file with the results contains several sheets:

Information from the Routes sheet is fully duplicated on the Extended routes sheet. For this reason, we'll only describe Extended routes below because this is where you can find more information.

Extended routes

The Extended routes sheet contains information about the routes planned for vehicles or couriers.

A route is a list of locations that need to be visited in a certain order to deliver all orders. The sheet lists the locations from top to bottom as planned in the route, from the first to the last to be visited. Routes are separated from each other by an empty row.

You can plan multiple shifts and runs (including multiple runs within the same shift) for one vehicle or courier. This depends on the company or depot settings.

The fields on the Extended routes sheet can be combined into several groups:

Order parameters
  • ID.
  • Address.
  • Coordinates.
  • Comments.
  • Handling time.
  • Vehicle or courier requirements (vehicle tags, optional tags).
  • Volume and weight characteristics (weight, volume, units, custom units).
Vehicle parameters and shifts
  • Vehicle or courier ID.
  • Carrying capacity.
  • Transportation method.
  • Time window.
  • Shift ID.
Route and route point information
  • Location type.
  • Time of arrival at and departure from the location.
  • Total handling time, break duration.
  • Distance and travel time to the location.
  • Parameters of time window violation (if any) at the location.
  • Geofence the location belongs to.

For more information about these parameters, see the description of the Orders and Vehicles sheets for the planning file.


The data from the Metrics sheet is used to analyze planning effectiveness and build more accurate routes.

Metrics are calculated both for all routes together (see the All vehicles column) and each vehicle route separately.

They can be divided into several groups:

  • General metrics of the solution (total number of vehicles or couriers, orders, or unassigned orders).
  • Information about vehicles, couriers, and shifts (IDs, shift time windows).
  • Vehicle utilization (weight, volume, units).
  • Route information (start and end time, mileage, total route time, travel time, and waiting time on the route).
  • Information about violations of time windows (orders, shifts).
  • Route cost information (cost for the algorithm, algorithm penalties).

The most common metrics to look at when analyzing routes are:

  • used_vehicles: The number of vehicles or couriers involved.
  • dropped_locations_count: The number of unassigned orders.
  • failed_time_window_locations_count/total_failed_time_window_duration: The number of time window violations and the total duration of time window violations.
  • orders_count: The number of orders in the route.
  • weight_perc/units_perc/volume_perc: Vehicle utilization by weight, volume, or units.
  • total_transit_distance_km: The length of the route in kilometers.

Use cases


If you use geofence-based restrictions in your planning, you'll find an additional zones column in the uploaded Excel file with the solution on the Extended routes sheet. It specifies the geofences the order is located in.

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