First planning

Step 1. Log in to your account

  1. Open RouteQ.
  2. Log in with the username you used to register.

Step 2. Download a file

Download a sample populated Excel file:

  • In the Sample planning section in Help.
  • In the Planning section in the interface.

For the first planning, take the simple example with a small number of parameters.

Step 3. Populate the file

For the first planning, you can just fill in the following fields on the sheets:

  • Order number
  • Recipient address
  • Time window
  • Service duration

All other fields can be left blank.

For detailed file and data requirements, see Instructions for filling out Excel file.

Step 4. Upload the file to the interface

In the Planning section, click Upload file, or drag and drop a file from a folder on your computer.


After it's uploaded, you may see errors and  warnings. Errors must be corrected, while you can continue planning with warnings.

Error or warning messages appear next to the names of the tabs where they need to be corrected. There are two ways to navigate between tabs:

  • Clicking Next and Back. The buttons are located at the bottom right of the interface.

  • Going to any tab in the top horizontal panel.

For example, to fix an error saying Includes addresses with no coordinates:

  1. Go to the Map tab.
  2. Set up a map area for searching coordinates.
  3. Click Search by address.
  4. If you can't find the address, click  → Download orders without coordinates and remove them from planning.

Step 5. Set up options

  1. Go to the Settings tab.
  2. Set the desired settings for the planning task:
    • Route date: The date that the route is planned for.
    • Time zone: The time zone in which you enter all time windows.
    • Consider geofences: Choose whether to take geofences from the master data into account. This option is displayed only if the directory contains geofences.
    • Solution quality: Select Optimal.

Step 6. Run the planning

  1. In the lower-right corner, click Plan.
  2. Wait until the planning is completed.
  3. Evaluate the results.

In the interface, you can view, edit, and export the solution. For more information, see Work with the resulting solution.

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