
Planning results can be saved in the form of waybills (for example, when not using Track & Trace, or if couriers don't have the Yandex Courier app). Do the following on the page with the resulting solution:

  1. Click Export in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select Waybills.

The resulting export can be printed and given to the courier.

Note. During planning, specify depot addresses to have them displayed in the waybill.

A separate waybill is generated for each run, containing the following information:

Run details
  • Vehicle ID: ID of the vehicle or courier.
  • Driver/courier ID: Courier's username in the Yandex Courier app.
  • Number: Number of the run.
  • Date: Planning date.
  • Total weight, kg: Total weight of the orders.
  • Total volume, m³: Total volume of the orders in cubic meters.
Information about orders
  • No.: Ordinal number of a route location.
  • Order number: Order ID.
  • Point type: Depot or order.
  • Address: Address of the order or depot.
  • Customer/Depot: Name of the customer or depot.
  • Phone: Customer's phone number.
  • Time window: Time window of the order or depot.
  • Weight (kg): Order weight.
  • Volume (m³): Order volume in cubic meters.
  • Signature: Signature of the responsible person.

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