Single courier routing
Request to this resource builds a route for the courier, accounting for traffic and delivery periods.
Step 1. Send a request to build a route
curl -X POST "<your API key>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"depot\": {\"time_window\": \"07:00:00-23:59:59\",\" point\": {\"lat\": 55.751245,\"lon\": 37.618424}},\"locations\":[{\"id\":1,\"time_window\": \"07:00:00-23:59:59\",\" point\": {\"lat\": 55.751245,\"lon\": 37.618424}}],\" vehicle\": {\"id\": 0}, \"options\":{\"time_zone\": 3}}"
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The request must contain the API key you obtained. If you don't have a key, submit a connection request.
The server response contains information about the request processing status.
{ "id": "4073f13e-ee1e-4f76-a990-725ace27f951", "status": { "queued": 1533895665.9222 }, "message": "Task queued" }
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Save the resulting ID to use it in the next step.
You can send a request to build a route using the "requests" library:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import requests import time import datetime API_KEY = '<your API key>' API_ROOT_ENDPOINT = '' # Create the request body, including the depot, delivery points, vehicle, and settings. payload = { 'depot': {'id': 0, 'time_window': '07:00-23:59', 'point': {'lat': 55.733777, 'lon': 37.588118}}, 'locations': [ {'id': 1, 'time_window': '09:00-20:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.684872, 'lon': 37.595965}}, {'id': 2, 'time_window': '15:00-20:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.739796, 'lon': 37.689102}}, {'id': 3, 'time_window': '12:00-15:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.809657, 'lon': 37.520314}}, {'id': 4, 'time_window': '09:00-15:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.744764, 'lon': 37.558224}}, {'id': 5, 'time_window': '15:00-20:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.788563, 'lon': 37.670101}}, ], 'vehicle': {'id': 0}, 'options':{'time_zone': 3} } # Send the request and get the task ID. response = API_ROOT_ENDPOINT + '/add/svrp', params={'apikey': API_KEY}, json=payload)
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You can send the request using the "request" module:
var request = require('request'); // Creating the request body, including the depot, delivery points, vehicle, and settings. var payload = { 'depot': {'id': 0, 'time_window': '07:00-23:59', 'point': {'lat': 55.733777, 'lon': 37.588118}}, 'locations': [ {'id': 1, 'time_window': '09:00-20:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.684872, 'lon': 37.595965}}, {'id': 2, 'time_window': '15:00-20:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.739796, 'lon': 37.689102}}, {'id': 3, 'time_window': '12:00-15:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.809657, 'lon': 37.520314}}, {'id': 4, 'time_window': '09:00-15:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.744764, 'lon': 37.558224}}, {'id': 5, 'time_window': '15:00-20:00', 'point': {'lat': 55.788563, 'lon': 37.670101}}, ], 'vehicle': {'id': 0}, 'options':{'time_zone': 3} }; const API_KEY = '<your API key>'; const API_ROOT_ENDPOINT = '' // Sending the request and getting the task ID. function sendRequest(payload) { var url = API_ROOT_ENDPOINT + '/add/svrp?apikey=' + API_KEY; var options = { body: JSON.stringify(payload), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {, options, function(error, response, body) { if (error) { reject(error); } else { var code = response.statusCode; if (code == 201 || code == 202) { resolve(JSON.parse(body).id); } else { reject(body); } } }) }); } function handleError(error) { console.log('Error:', error); } // sendRequest(payload) // .catch(handleError);
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Information about the request body is available on the service page.
Step 2. Get the processing result
You can obtain the built route by sending a GET request to the service.
curl -X GET ""
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If the route was built, the response will contain information about the route. Otherwise, the response will contain information about the request processing status.
# Wait for the response. poll_stop_codes = {,, } # Poll the server about the readiness of the route optimization result using the previously received ID. if response.status_code == request_id = response.json()['id'] poll_url = '{}/result/svrp/{}'.format(API_ROOT_ENDPOINT, request_id) response = requests.get(poll_url) while response.status_code not in poll_stop_codes: time.sleep(1) response = requests.get(poll_url) # Output the data in a custom format. if response.status_code != 200: print 'Error {}: {}'.format(response.text, response.status_code) else: print 'Route optimization completed' print '' for route in response.json()['result']['routes']: print 'Vehicle {} route: {:.2f}km'.format( route['vehicle_id'], route['metrics']['total_transit_distance_m'] / 1000) # Output the route in text format. for waypoint in route['route']: print ' {type} {id} at {eta}, {distance:.2f}km driving '.format( type=waypoint['node']['type'], id=waypoint['node']['value']['id'], eta=str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=waypoint['arrival_time_s'])), distance=waypoint['transit_distance_m'] / 1000) # Output the route as a Yandex Maps link. yamaps_url = '' for waypoint in route['route']: point = waypoint['node']['value']['point'] yamaps_url += '{}%2c{}~'.format(point['lat'], point['lon']) print '' print 'See route on Yandex Maps:' print yamaps_url
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// Poll the server about the readiness of the route optimization result using the previously received ID. function pollResponse(requestId) { function delay(t) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, t); }); } function poller(resolve, reject) { function run() { let url = API_ROOT_ENDPOINT + '/result/svrp/' + requestId; request.get(url, function(error, response, body) { if (error) { reject(error); } else { let result = JSON.parse(body); let code = response.statusCode; if (code != 200 && code != 410 && code != 500) { delay(500).then(run); } else { if (code == 200) { resolve(JSON.parse(body)); } else { reject(body); } } } }); } run(); } return new Promise(poller); } // Output the data in a custom format. function printResponse(response) { console.log('Route optimization completed\n') for (route of response.result.routes) { let distance_km = (route.metrics.total_transit_distance_m / 1000).toFixed(2) console.log(`Vehicle ${route.vehicle_id} route: ${distance_km}km`); // Output the route in text format. for (waypoint of route.route) { let type = waypoint.node.type; let id =; let eta = new Date(waypoint.arrival_time_s * 1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8); let distance_km = (waypoint.transit_distance_m / 1000).toFixed(2); console.log(` ${type} ${id} at ${eta}, ${distance_km}km driving `); } // Output the route as a Yandex Maps link. let yamaps_url = '' for (waypoint of route.route) { let point = waypoint.node.value.point; yamaps_url += `${}%2c${point.lon}~`; } console.log('\nSee route on Yandex Maps:\n', yamaps_url) } } // Asynchronous execution of functions. sendRequest(payload) .then(pollResponse) .then(printResponse) .catch(handleError);
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