Partial delivery
If the order wasn't delivered in full, the courier can set the Partially delivered status in the app and specify the reason. On the dashboard, these orders are marked with the icon.
There's a preset list of reasons for partial delivery and order cancellation:
- Product is damaged
- Packaging is damaged
- Client refused
- Wrong product
- Incomplete order
- Postponed by client
You can edit the list in company settings.
If your reason isn't on the list, click Your comment and describe why the order was partially delivered.
To disable or enable this option, as well as to find out its status, contact support. The updated setting will take effect after the courier restarts their app.
To make the option available in the app:
- Enable the Partial delivery option through support.
- Disable Automatic delivery detection in your company settings.
The option is available if you perform both actions.
The option is enabled and disabled for all company couriers.
Information about partial delivery and its reasons is shown on the route page in the Couriers section, on the order card, and in the Courier performance report.