In the Map section, you can see:
- The total number of couriers who are currently working.
- The location of all couriers.
- Couriers who are late, online or offline, or who haven't sent data.
- General information about all courier routes.
It also provides information about indidivual couriers and their orders, and lets you set filters and the type of route table.
The page is automatically refreshed every few minutes and you always see up-to-date information.
Courier locations are marked on the map with colored icons. The image on the icon shows the courier's transportation method:
: By car.
: By truck.
: On foot.
: By public transport.
If you select a courier in the table or on the map, a window with courier data opens on top of the map. The icon color in the window is the same as on the map.

All couriers, depending on their movement along the route and the data received from them, are assigned one of the following statuses:
No data
If you want the map to only show couriers with a particular status, select it from the drop-down list under the map. The table will show only couriers with this status.
For the Offline status, set up an additional filter with the time window when data may not be received from the courier:
- To the right of the Offline status, click the button with the number of minutes.
- Use the slider to set the desired value. If this time is exceeded, the courier is considered offline.
Route table
Information about routes is presented in a table that you can configure yourself. For more information about table columns, see below.
Name | Description |
Courier | Brief information about the courier:
Route | The route number. |
Depot number | The number of the depot where the route starts. |
Start and end of the route | The date and time of the start and end of the route. |
Order statuses * | Information about order statuses in the route. |
Orders | The total number of orders in the route. |
Stops | The total number of stops in the route. |
Shift | The shift start and end time. |
Route | The route number. |
In way | The travel time in minutes. |
Name | Description |
Courier | Brief information about the courier:
Route | The route number. |
Depot number | The number of the depot where the route starts. |
Start and end of the route | The date and time of the start and end of the route. |
Order statuses * | Information about order statuses in the route. |
Orders | The total number of orders in the route. |
Stops | The total number of stops in the route. |
Shift | The shift start and end time. |
Route | The route number. |
In way | The travel time in minutes. |
* The column name changes depending on the status.
To search the table, click and enter your query. The route and order number are searched at the same time. If orders are found for your query, a prompt with order numbers appears under the table. Click the line with the number and go to the courier card for the selected order.
Table view setup
To configure the display and order of columns, click . This opens a window with a list of columns where you can:
- Show or hide individual columns.
- Reorder columns by using drag and drop.
- Cancel your changes by clicking Reset.
Column data can be sorted in descending or ascending order. Sorting doesn't apply to the Start and end of the route and Travel time columns.
Order statuses
To set up a column:
- Hover over the column name.
- Click the
icon that appears.
Select the status from the list:
- Delay
- Refusal
- No forecast
- Delivered late
- Delivered on time
- As planned
- Click Apply.
For the Delay and Delivered late statuses, set the priority: Amount of time or Number of orders. The priority affects the value that the histogram is based on.

Courier data
To view information about a courier, select the desired courier on the map or in the table under the map. In the window that opens, you can see:
- The name of the courier (the name or number of the vehicle).
- The courier's status.
- The number of orders per route and order statuses.
- Their phone number if given in the courier settings.
To view more detailed information about the courier, route, and orders, click the link with the courier's name. This opens the courier card.